Join our Stewards

Stewards help our organisation run well...

Stewards are our Directors. They are responsible for the organisation and oversee our membership, policies, communications and finances. Being a Steward is a great opportunity to meet new people, develop skills, and contribute to community-life in Shieldfield.

We are seeking new Stewards from our core membership; people who live, work, study or play in Shieldfield.  We value all kinds of skills and experience at Dwellbeing. If you feel like you have something to contribute, please consider nominating yourself. 

Information about the roles and responsibilities of Stewards can be found in the Stewards Information Pack.

If you’re interested or simply want to know more, please contact us to arrange a conversation.

Email Edyta at or message the Dwellbeing mobile on 07593 769 129

There are many other ways members can participate in Dwellbeing Shieldfield. Please explore our website for details of our exciting programmes, what’s on, and how we work, as well as our volunteer opportunities and membership policy.


 Who we are | How we work | Join us