Goodbye Ken, the bee’s knees!

Goodbye Ken, the bee’s knees!

After more than two years of buzzy-beeing with Dwellbeing Shieldfield, this month we say goodbye to Community Bee, Ken Mallon. Ken has been involved in Dwellbeing since our early community meetings in 2017. She helped to shape what we have become through her ability to ask good questions and build caring relationships between people and the planet. Ken joined the team as a worker in 2020 and created her own job title as simple as a bee, playing a key role in developing the structure of our CBS and supporting the development of our Stewards and membership. As we emerged from lockdown Ken initiated the weekly walks to create opportunities for members to be active together. More recently, Ken has been buzzy supporting people in Shieldfield to grow vegetables and herbs at home, in public planters and at SAW garden as part of Shieldfield Grows (developed as a collaboration between Dwellbeing Shieldfield & Shieldfield Art Works).

Ken, we’re forever grateful for all you have grown in Shieldfield, from people to plants, and a flourishing future. We feel lucky that you’ll still be our neighbour.

We will miss you!

(Image: Ken at Shieldfield Harvest Festival 2022, by Victoria Doyle)


From 4th of November the walks will be continued with our member Jill Holder.


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